Monday, June 21, 2010

How To Make A Sunfish Sail

Appointments from 21 to 27 June 2010

Monday, 21
Galbally (Luke): The Garden of the Hesperides, theater, "Click" at the Church St. Michael at Monte Barro, Lecco
at 22.30: concert, Generative Art, Piazza Garibaldi, at 21.15

Wednesday, 23
Barzago (Luke): cocerto, Roberto Zanisi Trio at the Civic Hall in Via Cesare Canterbury, 21.30
Lecco: concert, The Original Kocani Orkestra, Piazza Garibaldi, at 21.15
Morbegno (So): The frescoes of the old town tour, 20.30

Thursday, 24
Galbally (lc): "Transition Town Movement" in "Barro, Mountain of the people", at Villa Bertarelli, 21.00
Morbegno (So): the Cloister of S. Antonio, the opening of the exhibition "Shapes and colors South / Sicily

Friday 25 Cosio (So): The Abbey of valleys, tour, 20.30
Costa Masnaga (Luke): "Magic Library" Meeting of animated fairy tales, at the Town Hall, 17.00
Ello (Luke): The Garden of the Hesperides, theater, "The Rime of the poor Christ" at the Church of Saints Philip and James, at 22.00
Ello (Luke): The Garden of the Hesperides, theater, "I love you. .. but it does not concern you "at the Town Hall Square, at 23:15
Galbally (Lk), Monte Barro," Natural Spa "night hike, in" Barro, Mountain of the nations ", 20.45
Lecco:" The 'Elixir of Love " opera, at Piazza Garibaldi, 21.30
Premana (Luke): "The blacksmith and fortune," the musical-poetic journey through ancient and modern crafts artisans, at the Teatro San Rocco, 21.00
Verderio Inferiore (LC): Ice theater inside the exhibition "Places Adda 2010: art theater and music on the river" at the Curt de la Palasina in Via Roma, 21.00

Saturday 26
Civo (So) - location Caspano: Potato Festival, 19.00
Colico (Lk): Meet Band / Folk, Square Lake, 20.30
Lecco - Laorca location: string concert at the Parish Church of Saints Peter and Paul, at 21:00
Montevecchia (Luke): "The animals of the night and the night birds" at the Park Center Ca 'Soldier, 21.00
Morbegno (So) to the Museum, "Swim, jump, run, crawl ... "workshop for children, 15.00
Olgiate Molgora (lc): The Garden of the Hesperides, theater," Odisea. Reading wild "at Casa Gola, 21.00
Olgiate Molgora (lc): The Garden of the Hesperides, theater," Short exposure of captivity "at Casa Gola, at 22:15
Olgiate Molgora (lc): The Garden of the Hesperides, drama," Nights bastard "at the Civic Hall, at 23:15 Sunday 27

Bema (SO) - Ronchi: Geological landscapes in Val Gerola, guided
Brivio (Lc): "The marsh Brivio" tour, at 8.00
Calow (Lk) - Sink location: "Rigoletto" Calauce Choir concert at the Cloister of the Monastery of Sink, 21.00
Campsirago (Luke): The Garden of the Hesperides, theater, "Mappughje. Before Change" at Palazzo Gamba, 21.30
Campsirago (Luke): The Garden of the Hesperides, theater, "Concerto de-Reading of The Muzikanti Balval and Denis Micallet "at Palazzo Gamba, at 22.30
Castello Brianza (LC): The Garden of the Hesperides, theater," An Odyssey Travel Snacks "at the amusement park via Mount, at the headquarters of the Alpine, 16.00
Cremella (Luke): "Even the stones sing" concerto for voices, guitar and percussion in "Sounds Mobile 2010," John Paul II at the Hall in Church Square, 19.30
Dorio (LC): "Virtuoso Organ" at the Church of St. George, 15.00
Figina of Galbally (Luke): The Garden of the Hesperides, theater, "Ulysses", 18.00
Gerola (So) - Pescegallo location: The Ring lace Berro, guided
Pian di Spagna Nature Reserve: a guided tour, from 9.00

Tourist Office Colico 0341.930930
IAT Tourist Information Lecco 0341.295720
Pro Loco Dervio 0341.804450 0341.810303
Tourist Office Bellano
Pro Loco Mandello del Lario 0341.732912
Association tour operators and Varenna Perledo 340.879046
Pro Loco Premana 347.0098024
Valtellina Turismo 0342.215921 / 0342.683470
APT Livigno 0342.052200
Tourist Bormio Alta Valtellina 0342.902765
Consortium Tourist Valchiavenna 0343.37485
Tourist Valtellina 0342.601140
Consortium Tourisport S. Caterina 0342.935544
Sondrio Tourist Office and Valmalenco 0342.451150
Teglio Tourism Consortium 0342.782000
Tourist Valtellina upper third 0342.708524
Tourist Valdidentro 0342.985331
Portal Bregaglia +41.081.8226060

Warning . We accept no responsibility for the events reported here. The information was gathered from the network and advertising material.


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