Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kidney Stones Olive Oil


Acerra: Loffredo, Busto, Scarpellini, Castile, Cuomo, Manti, Di Fenza (46 'Iorio) Lafragola, Nazzaro (46 Littorale), Maiello, Earl (60' Rivetti). Herds Tagliamonte
SAN PIO Campolongo, Rizzo (34 'Persechino), Martin, Castellano, Follera, Riccio, Angie, Cimmino (62' Pagliuca), Mastroianni, Russo, Palumbo. Herds Onorato
REFEREE: Lagnese Naples
SCORERS: 24 'Maiello, 32' Cimmino, 70 'and 82' Pagliuca
Booked: Cuomo, Riccio, Lafragola, Iorio

The Acerra bows rather than the San Pio Mondragone Lagnese referee, negative real protagonist in the match, with the two decisions to the detriment of homeowners. Start with the balanced Acerra that keeps the field well and moves ahead with Maiello, who with a touch up on the corner marks the 1-0. From there start at ten minutes to beat dell'Acerrana spur, which is sowing panic and Conte Di Fenza first one that fails to double a breath. Gol wrong goal conceded. Angie the onrushing Russian fishing provides an assist gold Cimmino, bravo to put Loffredo from close range. At the end of time Maiello's shot was stopped by an arm Follera: rigor net for everyone, but not for Lagnese. In the second half the pace they are softer and Mr. Onorato Pagliuca played the card: it will be the winning move, because the striker back on the mondragonesi with a precise shot for a ride. The Acerra react and score with a dive the beautiful Manti 2-2, but the triad vanishes for an offside, mondragonesi appeared inexplicable to them, but they have no mercy, and shortly after leading the scoring with three Pagliuca, Acerra and the whole thrust forward.


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