"A bottle of wine. A bottle to get to know my story. Come here, boy. And you, Gaston, carrying a jug and two glasses. "
Lucie has found another.
"What's your name boy? What a lovely name. Many years ago I loved a painter who was so called, you know? Ah, as I was young and beautiful! Do not believe me? Next, ask around ... "
is true. Lucie was the most beautiful of Montmartre and his skin smelled of lavender, her hair was shiny and blacks, her breasts were firm and his whole body did not ask more than to be loved.
"I was a model. Degas, Renoir, I have known many. For each of them got rid of the clothes and I opened my heart. "
In other words, there is over in bed. And she liked it so much that he soon abandoned painting for the hunger of the richness of the brothels.
"They were the best years of my life. Ball at the Moulin Rouge and I file suitors out of the dressing room. French and English and Italian. "
satisfied everyone. Provided they pay in advance.
Until he met Rene.
"The only, true love. I met him the New Year's Eve in 1906 and since then every time it was only our own, under the envious gaze of Paris. "
Lucie Next, tell him how it was then.
"But every thing is destined to end, know this. One morning in May found him hanged in the park. "
boy ask her why always brings a scarf tied around his neck. He still has the sign of the noose with which he tried to kill his kidney to steal the proceeds of those nights of passion. Believing her dead and driven by remorse, he hung from a tree. But you do not you ever say, stay for sure. How then does not tell you that he hates everyone understood that front.
"The bottle is finished. Ordered another? No? Are you curious to find out if the old Lucie told you the truth? We climb in the room guy, and I'll die. "
That's what I do. Will bind to the bed and without giving him time to understand the strangle.
is not the first, not the last.
I know well the story of Lucie. I told it many times.
Look behind the bar. Soon I will have to come and hide the corpse. 'S the end they deserve for what they did to Rene. She takes it well.
But I'm not afraid. I'm the only man who loves me, I would never hurt you. The I know.
Here she comes. This time it has done in a hurry.
"Gaston, quick. It's up to you. "
" I'll mother, quiet. "
Monday, March 29, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Funny Things To Write In Cards
maps routes Vacanzeacolico
From the next post you can view a map of each route ( not the ones I made in the past, unless it goes over them) on foot, by car, bicycle, boat, etc..
It 'something I've always wanted do, even before you take this blog. Thanks to that of Matteo Moro I learned to do it and I invite you to read what he writes to you if interested.
Here, briefly, the necessary hardware equipment:
a digital camera - a GPS logger: being a user GNU / Linux I bought a GPS logger, a Transystem i-Blue 747
And software (GNU / Linux):
- MTKbabel to download the track from the logger to the computer
- GPScorrelate to add to geotag photos exif
- jUploadr to upload photos to Flickr
And finally I have created
- an account on Flickr, so you have the photos to be placed on the track
- an account on GPSed for the final result Matthew showed me later also reported excellent EveryTrail
sounds complicated but it is not at all!
From the next post you can view a map of each route ( not the ones I made in the past, unless it goes over them) on foot, by car, bicycle, boat, etc..
It 'something I've always wanted do, even before you take this blog. Thanks to that of Matteo Moro I learned to do it and I invite you to read what he writes to you if interested.
Here, briefly, the necessary hardware equipment:
a digital camera - a GPS logger: being a user GNU / Linux I bought a GPS logger, a Transystem i-Blue 747
And software (GNU / Linux):
- MTKbabel to download the track from the logger to the computer
- GPScorrelate to add to geotag photos exif
- jUploadr to upload photos to Flickr
And finally I have created
- an account on Flickr, so you have the photos to be placed on the track
- an account on GPSed for the final result Matthew showed me later also reported excellent EveryTrail
sounds complicated but it is not at all!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Which Are The Strongest Subwoofers
Boat trip to Bellagio
Despite living on the edge of one of the great Italian lakes my eye was always turned to the surrounding mountains. So the lake have always turned their backs.
But since my baby was a bit 'who wanted to take a boat trip, a Sunday in late August 2009 we decided to make a trip to Bellagio.
There will be an opportunity to write something Bellagio, here I would like to dedicate a few lines to navigation. If you choose the right day, with clear skies, you can admire the view is splendid. Council to start the morning with a beautiful boat Milan, built in 1904 by Cantieri Odero shipyards in Sestri Ponente. Preserving the wood finish you seem to take a dip in the past. We are sitting in the front row on the bridge, a marvel!
Warning . This is what the next post is a description of our trip. Decline any responsibility for what may happen if you want to repeat it.
information and schedules navigation

Despite living on the edge of one of the great Italian lakes my eye was always turned to the surrounding mountains. So the lake have always turned their backs.
But since my baby was a bit 'who wanted to take a boat trip, a Sunday in late August 2009 we decided to make a trip to Bellagio.

There will be an opportunity to write something Bellagio, here I would like to dedicate a few lines to navigation. If you choose the right day, with clear skies, you can admire the view is splendid. Council to start the morning with a beautiful boat Milan, built in 1904 by Cantieri Odero shipyards in Sestri Ponente. Preserving the wood finish you seem to take a dip in the past. We are sitting in the front row on the bridge, a marvel!

Warning . This is what the next post is a description of our trip. Decline any responsibility for what may happen if you want to repeat it.
information and schedules navigation

Review Patricia Clear Acrylic Sealer
ETERNITY 'I had to choose
story published in two collections:" Shortness of breath "Edizioni The chub and" Scriverefotografare "
Here is the perfect time, that 'moment awaited, longed for countless minutes and lazy all the same, remaining stationary, immobile, with the heartbeat slow as your breath, inhale and exhale inhale and exhale, quietly, without hurry, and follow the movement of the chest to stay focused to the busy life looking through the viewfinder, one eye closed and one open with that strange grin on his face, his right index finger on the shutter button, the left hand on the target with two fingers, turn the dial of a few millimeters to focus on this or that subject, and change in an instant perspective and sense of the picture, hear the heavy machine on the muscles of the arms and fighting the tremor of fatigue elbows on the table, but only a moment because it changes the angle, the depth of space and nothing is as it should be, so instead everything is perfect, with the man on the left shoulder, just mentioned, sitting at the Cafe, and the background, across the street, the Hotel de la Ville, City Hall, broken by dark iron lamp without a lamp post and the shape of two fast cars, the crowd is to act as a side dish, walking quickly in the cold of December, lost in thought on the life , indifferent to the love of two crisp twenties, at the center of the photo, in the middle of the sidewalk, he, clear coat and dark scarf, hair disheveled and rebellious, with his head bent toward her and his lips, while the the right arm encircles the shoulders and holds it slightly to make them taste better and slow the pace that kiss im
patient, she's taken aback, is unbalanced, but tilt your head back and counter, with eyes closed leaning and abandons the boy, and together they are so arrogant in the grayness of Paris noted that their love at every corner, every minute, along the road, leaning against the walls, sitting on the benches on both sides of the beyond the Seine, because that is how they spend the day, and I watch them and admire their brazen romantic love and that does not hide, I envy their being young and so they have to be slipped on the waist, think about the future, as only those who can do twenty years, I remember as I was then and as they are no longer, and even if all this will end tomorrow or a year, I can stop time and give them a moment in eternity I just little, I hold my breath and step.
story published in two collections:" Shortness of breath "Edizioni The chub and" Scriverefotografare "
Here is the perfect time, that 'moment awaited, longed for countless minutes and lazy all the same, remaining stationary, immobile, with the heartbeat slow as your breath, inhale and exhale inhale and exhale, quietly, without hurry, and follow the movement of the chest to stay focused to the busy life looking through the viewfinder, one eye closed and one open with that strange grin on his face, his right index finger on the shutter button, the left hand on the target with two fingers, turn the dial of a few millimeters to focus on this or that subject, and change in an instant perspective and sense of the picture, hear the heavy machine on the muscles of the arms and fighting the tremor of fatigue elbows on the table, but only a moment because it changes the angle, the depth of space and nothing is as it should be, so instead everything is perfect, with the man on the left shoulder, just mentioned, sitting at the Cafe, and the background, across the street, the Hotel de la Ville, City Hall, broken by dark iron lamp without a lamp post and the shape of two fast cars, the crowd is to act as a side dish, walking quickly in the cold of December, lost in thought on the life , indifferent to the love of two crisp twenties, at the center of the photo, in the middle of the sidewalk, he, clear coat and dark scarf, hair disheveled and rebellious, with his head bent toward her and his lips, while the the right arm encircles the shoulders and holds it slightly to make them taste better and slow the pace that kiss im

Monday, March 1, 2010
What Type Of Weave Does Myammee Buy
I could start with an explanation.
Francesco Guccini welcome at his house all the fans who go to visit him.
I look at the door and I decide. It 's almost one o'clock. Maybe he is eating and I'm here to break my balls, holding a dog Vacca, his first book I've read and which is now all pages are consumed.
Eventually the finger on the bell moves alone. A few moments and I find myself in front of Gucci. In the flesh. All the talk
studied in memory disappears along the highway at a time. I remain silent, his mouth a little 'air ajar idiot.
"Hello." I said 'Come on, do not the gaggio, accommodated. "He gave me the
gaggio! It means stupid in dialect, but he said it as a compliment.
No, not good ... maybe better to enter directly into the description.
In Via Paolo Fabbri 43 are all there. Fantoni Cesira with a belt tied to his chest on which is written "always cheers dairy cows" crying all the time and a sigh from the other repeats: "I'm glad to have stopped. Look what you made me. I do not have the courage to leave the house. "
A boy dressed as a soldier in uniform to shreds by gunfire does not stop laughing.
A man, young and handsome, dressed in dirty dungarees of coal and a red scarf around his neck with the elbows to stop him.
'You're crazy. "Dice.
Amerigo tells Colombo en route to America, Keaton plays the piano in the corner, air jazz, Samantha, Stephanie and the girls of the night listening to him kidnapped.
"Look I can not." I get up from his chair. Gulliver
Antenor and put me back with a slap down.
"Oh, no friend, too easy. You heard what he said Van Loon? You are his accomplice, you have to fix things. "
" Right, "said one young man of twenty with a shapeless sweater over a pair of jeans" That one wants to stop playing. He claims to be a writer, now. And we do not you think? "
" So you, bell'imbusto, hurry to write this story. "Cencio the dwarf, already face d 'serious man, threatens me with the finger piece. "Come in," I look
Guccini bound and gagged to the chair. Cyrano tortures him with the sword.
The characters of his songs are bad and angry. Taking revenge for years because no more Take up a guitar. I have to kill
Guccini. It 's the punishment for having chosen as the favorite writer and giving him support for this new road. Even if imitation is not a simple thing.
sigh and starts to type words on the keyboard.
I knew it. I had to choose Moccia.
I could start with an explanation.
Francesco Guccini welcome at his house all the fans who go to visit him.
I look at the door and I decide. It 's almost one o'clock. Maybe he is eating and I'm here to break my balls, holding a dog Vacca, his first book I've read and which is now all pages are consumed.
Eventually the finger on the bell moves alone. A few moments and I find myself in front of Gucci. In the flesh. All the talk
studied in memory disappears along the highway at a time. I remain silent, his mouth a little 'air ajar idiot.
"Hello." I said 'Come on, do not the gaggio, accommodated. "He gave me the
gaggio! It means stupid in dialect, but he said it as a compliment.
No, not good ... maybe better to enter directly into the description.
In Via Paolo Fabbri 43 are all there. Fantoni Cesira with a belt tied to his chest on which is written "always cheers dairy cows" crying all the time and a sigh from the other repeats: "I'm glad to have stopped. Look what you made me. I do not have the courage to leave the house. "
A boy dressed as a soldier in uniform to shreds by gunfire does not stop laughing.
A man, young and handsome, dressed in dirty dungarees of coal and a red scarf around his neck with the elbows to stop him.
'You're crazy. "Dice.
Amerigo tells Colombo en route to America, Keaton plays the piano in the corner, air jazz, Samantha, Stephanie and the girls of the night listening to him kidnapped.
"Look I can not." I get up from his chair. Gulliver
Antenor and put me back with a slap down.
"Oh, no friend, too easy. You heard what he said Van Loon? You are his accomplice, you have to fix things. "
" Right, "said one young man of twenty with a shapeless sweater over a pair of jeans" That one wants to stop playing. He claims to be a writer, now. And we do not you think? "
" So you, bell'imbusto, hurry to write this story. "Cencio the dwarf, already face d 'serious man, threatens me with the finger piece. "Come in," I look
Guccini bound and gagged to the chair. Cyrano tortures him with the sword.
The characters of his songs are bad and angry. Taking revenge for years because no more Take up a guitar. I have to kill
Guccini. It 's the punishment for having chosen as the favorite writer and giving him support for this new road. Even if imitation is not a simple thing.
sigh and starts to type words on the keyboard.
I knew it. I had to choose Moccia.
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